Theatre Curtains

Alice In Wonderland Auditions

Thank you for auditioning for the cast of Alice in Wonderland!

Alice in Wonderland will be performed 11/8/24 and 11/9/24.  Rehearsals will be held after school M, T, Th, and F as needed per your assigned role. We may have one Saturday rehearsal before the show opens as well.

Audition submissions are due by August 23rd  @ 10 pm.  Please fill out the form below and submit your headshot, resume and audition.  

Audition Requirements:  Please submit 1 min, or less, filmed monologue in the style of your choosing.
• Dress your best and according to the school dress code.
• Please try to have a neutral background.
Headshot and Resume are not required, but recommended.
(If you have trouble uploading your video to this form, please email your video to Christina Haak.)

Call Backs:  Call backs will be held in person (Date: TBD) on an as needed basis.

The audition process for Alice In Wonderland has closed. Please contact if you have any questions.

FA Senior 12 scaled

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