All Superiors at the ACSI Choral Festival

Friday, March 6, 2020, our Upper School Choir participated in the ACSI Choral Festival. The group received all Superior scores! Our Choir worked very hard on their pieces with Mr. Goff, and the hard work was noticed by the judging panels. Congratulations, students! See the full list of participants below:


  • Upper School Choir
  • Highschool Girls Ensemble
  • Middle School Girls Ensemble
  • Trio 1 – McKenna K (10th), Mackenzie G (9th), and Ellie Jane J  (10th)
  • Trio 2 – Vivian L (11th), Gabriela B (11th), and Kayla B (11th)


  • Jennifer G (10th)
  • Vivian L (11th)
  • Gabriela B (11th)
  • Savannah D (12th)
  • Mackenzie G (9th)
  • Kayla B (11th)
IMG 4613