Educational Support Programs (ESP) Contract Parental Agreement

Foundation Academy is pleased to offer various programs of educational support for students in need of assistance as indicated through testing and/or IEP or 504 plan.  Support services provide a suitable academic environment and to promote student success in Foundation Academy’s academic rigor. Your child is being offered admission to Foundation Academy with the following required program(s):

Student Name:     Grade:     School Year:

Parent/Guardian Name:

  1. As the parents or legal guardians of Student  we agree to the enrollment in the program(s) and agree to keep our son/daughter in the program until it is determined they are eligible for release per the evaluation criteria.  This contract will be extended yearly and charges assessed automatically until the official release.  We understand that this program is adapted for his/her specific needs. 
  2. Foundation Academy is offering this support program at a cost of . The cost is charged in addition to the school’s regular tuition, and added to the family’s FACTS tuition payment plan account. 
  3. Charges are based on yearly rates and are not charged per individual session (except summer). Days out for conferences, holidays, etc., have been figured into the overall schedule.  Student absences from sessions are not subject to make up unless time permits.
  4. We understand that the programs are not an absolute cure for a child’s learning challenges. We are aware that we may not see an immediate change in academic achievement. The effectiveness of the program is closely linked to PARENTS, STUDENT, AND TEACHER COOPERATION.
  5. We understand that all Foundation Academy students are required to fulfill the same criteria for graduation requirements and diplomas as outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook.
  6. We understand that the school’s intention in this program is to provide intervention for our child and we agree not to hold the school or the therapist responsible for any less-than-optimal performance on our child’s part.  Unacceptable behavior during the sessions will be dealt with individually according to Foundation Academy’s discipline policy. Students with uncooperative and/or belligerent attitudes may be dismissed from the program.
  7. We realize that any questions regarding NILD/Programs should be directed to the Program Director and/or Educational Therapist. Questions pertaining to the classroom and our child’s progress should be directed to the classroom teacher(s).
  8. PROGRAM RELEASE: We understand that services will be needed until such time as testing (including WISC IV/V), teacher(s) survey, and classroom grades demonstrate that my child is able to function as an active, independent learner in the regular classroom. In addition, statements from the Program Director, Principal/Guidance Counselor, and teacher(s) will concur with a formal dismissal from the NILD Discovery/Rx for Reading/FIE/TEACH/LiPs.  Because contracts are rolled over during re-enrollment for the following school year and students have not yet been assessed for dismissal, this contract will become null and void for students who are formally dismissed from the program(s) after annual assessments are complete.


  1. At the beginning of our child’s NILD Discovery/TEACH program; we will attend six consecutive sessions to become acquainted with the methods to help him/her. TEACH parents will attend 3 initial sessions. Following these initial sessions, both Discovery and TEACH parents will attend one session per month. At least one parent (all programs) will attend the in-services conducted by the Discovery personnel.
  2. To enhance the success of the Discovery/TEACH programs, we understand that we MUST purchase a chalkboard and supervise Rhythmic Writing at home on those nights that our child does not have a session. We understand that additional homework for NILD Discovery/Rx students will be involved and MUST be completed prior to each session.
  3. We realize that the NILD Discovery Program is a long-term program (three years or more) and that the TEACH Program is a two year program with the potential of TEACH students needing to move into NILD Discovery at the second grade placement. Students withdrawn from NILD Discovery/Rx for Reading/FIE/TEACH/LiPS without a recommendation from the School Administrator/Principal and the Discovery Program Director may result in dismissal from Foundation Academy.
  4. We acknowledge that the NILD Team will communicate with teachers, administration, staff, etc., of our child’s IEP, 504, Accommodation Plan and formal evaluation results to support the student’s progress.

Parent Acknowledgement

By signing this form, I understand that Foundation Academy (FA) agrees to provide academic support and reasonable accommodations in relation to the school’s resources, to the best of the school’s abilities and based on the FA Educational Support Team’s recommendations. 


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Document name: Educational Support Programs (ESP) Contract Parental Agreement - Claudia Joaquin Tilden
lock iconUnique Document ID: e53dc20d41b7e1f64b18576534992d0ad548bbd3
Timestamp Audit
October 27, 2023 9:50 am ESTEducational Support Programs (ESP) Contract Parental Agreement - Claudia Joaquin Tilden Uploaded by Foundation Academy - [email protected] IP