FA Professionals Network
Christ-Centered Business Networking
The Foundation Academy Professionals Network (FA Professionals Network), is a business networking group established to help experienced businessmen build meaningful connections, share business strategies, and encourage spritual and professional growth. FA Professionals expands Foundation Academy and the First Baptist Church of Winter Garden’s outreach to the local business community, and membership is open to business owners and C-suite executives across industries who align with the group’s Christ-centered mission.
Meetings will be held once per month at the Executive Boardroom at Foundation Academy’s Tilden Campus from 11:30am to 2:00pm, lunch will be served.
A donation of $2,500 to the Foundation Academy Fund is required to allow your company to participate in the FA Professionals Network.
Member Expectations
- Members are expected to actively contribute at every meeting by sharing business opportunities, referrals, and fostering mutually beneficial relationships.
- Members commit to donate 10% of all profits generated through FA Professionals to the Foundation Academy Fund.
- A limited number of members can also share a “business challenge” for group discussion at each meeting.
David Buckles
[email protected]
Jonathan (JT) Mann
[email protected]
Join the FA Professionals Network
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