an attractive student is studying an online course QNNH28T scaled

FAVL Options

for Current Families


FAVL to In-Person Learning

"*" indicates required fields

Parent Name
Student Name

In-Person Learning to FAVL

"*" indicates required fields

Parent Name
Student's Official Name
Grade Level for 2024-2025
I understand that as a FAVL student, my child will be considered a Foundation Academy student who will be learning remotely full-time and not on campus.*
I understand that the tuition and fees for the virtual program are different than the in-person fees and that there is no tuition assistance or eligibility to use state funding.*
I understand that the FAVL program is a full school year commitment and that at reenrollment deposit time (January,) I will have the option to consider returning to in-person learning for the following school year.*

FAVL & Sevenstar

Best Fit Pic

Best Fit for Virtual Learning

The Foundation Academy Student Services Team

Gibson Sarah

Sarah Gibson

Academic Advisor/FAVL Director

[email protected]
Read Bio
Caines Carol

Carol Caines

Director of Student Services & College Placement 

[email protected]
Read Bio
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