Worm's-eye view of lion statue with blue sky in background

Internal Transfer Interest

Thank you for considering job opportunities within Foundation Academy.

Any current employee in good standing with Foundation Academy may apply for a transfer opportunity provided they meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Minimum of 12 months continuous service in present position, or the approval of the person making the final decision in filling the open position.
  2. Job performance at a satisfactory level and not the subject of a formal disciplinary action initiated within three years of the posting of the open position.
  3. Meet the minimum experience, skill and educational qualifications for the open position.

Before submitting the Internal Position Application form, employees must discuss with the person to whom they directly report their intention of applying for an internal position. Managers shall not retaliate against an employee who requests consideration for a transfer. Eligible and qualified employees who formally apply prior to the closing date set forth in the notice of the open position will be interviewed before a decision is made regarding filling the position. Employees who formally apply after the notice period are not guaranteed an interview.

Questions? Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions before submitting your transfer interest.

"*" indicates required fields

Employee Name*
Supervisor Name*
Max. file size: 5 GB.
FA Senior 12 scaled

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