2021 Senior/Parent Luncheon
2021 Senior/Parent Luncheon
With a full day of end-of-the-year activities, we couldn’t forget about lunch! After senior chapel, our seniors and their families packed up and traveled to the Plant Street Campus for a delicious lasagna and chicken parm lunch. Packed with awards, memories, and hilarious senior superlatives, our FA parents got to celebrate not only their student’s hard work but their own dedication and support they’ve shown during their students’ high school careers! We hope you enjoy the gallery!
Want to Join the Fine Arts League?
The Fine Arts League is hard at work making plans for some exciting upcoming events. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful group, please email Luanne Lumpkins and she will be sure you are plugged into the Fine Arts League.

Ready to Tour Our School?
Foundation Academy has three incredible campuses to explore—all centered around quality Christian education. Schedule a tour today to get started.

Want to Learn More About FA?
At Foundation Academy, we have a lot to share. Request more information today to get the full scope of what our school has to offer.