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At Foundation Academy, there are many ways to share your time and talent as a parent through volunteering. Whether you’re interested in joining our parent-teacher organization PAWS, participating in our weekly Moms in Prayer Group, assisting with athletics or our fine arts league, or assisting with another area in need, we have a spot for you. Please complete a background check (good for 5 years). To volunteer click below on “Sign up to Volunteer”!

To schedule an appointment for a background check please email Mary Jean Cravey at [email protected].

Volunteer Board Opportunities

*A background check is required to serve in any board role. 
Contact [email protected] to schedule a background check. 
Directions: Hit the drop down option below for the full list of open board seats, then select and read the description of the role before applying. 

Volunteer Spotlights

Would you like to share your experiences from volunteer events?


Volunteer Spotlight Submission Form

Only complete this form if you have a testimony to share about your volunteering experience at Foundation academy. To volunteer, scroll up to the button “Sign Up to Volunteer”. Thank you.

"*" indicates required fields


Room Parent Registration Form

Deadline for applications August 20, 2024

*Parents can only apply to be a Room parent for one class. Room parents are only for PK3 – 5th Grade. 

Registration to become a room parent has closed for the school year.

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