What Does It Look Like For You, Personally, To Lead?

Upper School Chapel on November 1st had the focus of Leading. What does it look like for YOU, personally, to lead? Some of us will lead from up front, others will lead from backstage. Both are necessary. Chapel began with our praise band leading in worship. Pastor Jarian then came up and spoke to the students about how there are many ways in which we can worship God. He introduced the ASL Club who lead the students in worship through sign language. 

After worship, Pastor Ken spoke to the students about leading, He mentioned 3 steps needed to become a good leader. First, we must follow God. Second, we must be able to lead ourselves. We do this with self-control, which is a fruit of the Spirit. Once we accomplish those two steps, we can finally lead others around us. We lead others according the example Jesus set for us. He led by serving others. Scripture references used with the three steps were Numbers 9:17-18 for step 1, 1 Thessalonians 5:5-6 for step 2, and Matthew 20:25-28 for step 3. Enjoy the gallery below of images from our November 1st chapel.

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US Chapel 11.01.18 2
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