Patti Cogburn is from Birmingham, Alabama & Monroe, Louisiana. She attended the University of Louisiana and earned her B.S. in General Studies & her Masters of English Education. Patti teaches 11th-12th grade AP Literature, DE Comp I & Comp II, British Literature at our Tilden Campus. She loves going to the beach, seeing professional plays, going to the movies, eating out, grilling steaks at home and spending time with her family. Patti’s favorite Bible verse is Deuteronomy 31:6.

“As a teacher of juniors and seniors, most of them in my college classes, I am driven to make sure they will be prepared to face the academic challenges before them in college or the challenges of succeeding in the workplace if they are not going to college right away. Beyond the classroom, I strive to let my students know that they are loved and cared about. My hope is that I communicate that I love them because Jesus demonstrated His love for me.”